Immy Julie Nakyeyune Musoke
By Immy Julie Musoke Nakyeyune, Rotaract Club of Kampala South, Uganda
Last January, Rotary International President Barry Rassin’s presidential theme for 2018-19, Be the Inspiration, asked us to inspire change in the world and in each other. I believe that each of us is an inspiration because we accepted to join Rotaract, we joined to put Service Above Self. However, I keep asking myself, do we inspire other people to join Rotaract? Inspiration is evoked spontaneously without intention; through the stories we share, the pictures we post, and the books we read, to mention just a few ways.
According to Todd Thrash and Andrew Elliot, authors of the Inspiration Scale, inspiration involves both being inspired by something and acting on that inspiration. Most of us inspire to some degree. But do we inspire people enough to act and join us in making a difference in the community and in other people’s lives?
RI President Barry has spent the past months engaging with Rotaractors. I am personally inspired by his enthusiasm and energy, and particularly his focus on Rotaractors this year.
In Uganda, Rotaractors have gone out of their way to do innovative sustainable community projects; like constructing bio toilets, water harvesting systems, and home gardening initiatives that improve nutrition. Inspiration has indeed awakened us by allowing us to transcend our limitations and transform the way we perceive our own capabilities in order to address needs of the community.
Rotaract leaders have also gone out of their way to encourage Rotaractors to achieve one of the goals of Rotaract, “To develop professional and leadership skills.” We cannot appreciate the years spent in Rotaract unless we become better skilled professionals at the end of our Rotaract journey and indeed attain the final goal of Rotaract, eventually joining Rotary!
Are you an inspiration to others, and more?