Jeffry Cadorette By Jeffry Cadorette, past RI director and chair of Rotary International’s Communications Committee Most of us have social media accounts that we use to promote Rotary. In our network are Rotary friends, but also family, friends, and colleagues outside of Rotary. This is all very good. Many of our profile banners include a…

Temrah Okonski By Temrah Okonski, assistant governor in District 7620 (D.C. & Maryland, USA) Our district faced a critical decision on what to do about our annual speech contest on The Four-Way Test when the COVID-19 pandemic began to change the world last year. We decided to still hold one, but online. The results proved…

Trustee Chair K.R. Ravindran (bottom left) takes part in a virtual major donor event organized by Rotary District 2060 in Venice, Italy. By Omar Bortoletti, Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser for Zone 14 The Rotary Foundation reminds us constantly why we are here. It reminds us who it is we serve. It reminds us that these days,…

Farrah Hasnain and her friends at the Hamamatsu Festival. Farrah Hasnain By Farrah Hasnain My aim is to change my students’ perception of the U.S. There is a hegemony of whiteness in English language teaching, and I want to represent how diverse and multifaceted the American identity truly is.” When I wrote this to enter…

Healthcare workers apply rapid serology tests to consenting homeless individuals on the streets of Palermo, Italy, to help stop the spread of COVID-19 among the homeless and those who help them. Italian Rotary members through a partnership between the Rotary Club of Palermo, the Associazione Francesca Morvillo, and Karol Strutture Sanitarie, launched a screening campaign…

Champion School students fix a soccer goal and clean up a practice field. Muyi Yang Muyi Yang, Rotary Peace Fellow, Uppsala University, 2019-21 If you told me ten years ago that I would be running a non-profit school in a post-conflict country, I would have laughed out loud. At the time, I was working as…

By Liz Thiam, Rotary brand specialist As a Rotary brand specialist, I see Rotary signs everywhere. I guess you could say it’s an occupational hazard. Even my children spot Rotary signs wherever we go. So when I attended a local Rotary event in my hometown last year, I couldn’t help but notice how Rotary’s logo…

By Christian Stephen, Elelenwo Rotaract Club, Nigeria Recently, a friend asked me what Rotaract was all about, and what benefit it provided. It gave me a moment to reflect. Having been a Rotaractor for more than six years, I can boldly say that there has never been a better time than now to embrace the…

A 26-foot truck, emblazoned on all sides with the Million Mask Challenge Tourmessage, distributed face masks to Rotary clubs throughout New England. By Robert Friend, Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator for Zone 32 In the early morning of 29 September, a cargo ship carrying 800,000 face masks arrived at the Port of Boston. Over the…