By Surhuda Kulkarni, Rotary Club of Pune Baner, India Club members take part in a walk to raise awareness for epilepsy. I remember the day clearly. It was 1 July 2021. The world was unshackling itself from the clutches of the pandemic. Everything was slowly starting to move back to in-person. My club arranged a…

Emanuelle and Sabrin Barreto By Emanuelle Barreto, youth exchange committee chair of District 4500 (Brazil), and Sabrina Barreto, a youth exchange officer, both alumna of long- and short-term youth exchanges I have been hosting Rotary Youth Exchange students since my daughter, Sabrina, was a year old. She was my first child in a big family.…

Richard Linden (middle) director of curriculum for Missouri RYLA Academy, and other leaders of the Nex Gen training event for RYLA directors. By Richard Linden, director of curriculum for Missouri RYLA Academy Missouri RYLA Academy has a saying, “Right person. Right place. Right time.” This was never more evidenced than in August of 2023 when…

A Rotaract member in Pune watches polio drops being administered to a young child during a national immunization day. By Jigneshh Karria, president, Rotary Club of Pune Baner, India Seeing a twinkle in the eye of a baby you have helped gives you a happy feeling. When you see someone with a disability run or…

Women in Dubno, Ukraine, show off the thermal winter clothing they received from a Rotary relief effort. By Janet Kolepp, past governor of District 7430 and assistant Rotary public image coordinator in Zone 32 A beacon of hope arose from an unexpected collaboration between Rotary districts interested in responding to the crisis in Ukraine. Two years ago,…

Haresh Ramchandani in front of a rice field during a trip to Bali. By Haresh L. Ramchandani, past district governor, member of the Rotary Club of L.I.F.E., Jamaica, and a member of the RI Membership Growth Committee Blue Zones are thriving communities with a high concentration of people between the ages of 90 and 100. The…

Wildfires, heatwaves, droughts, and floods leave many people wondering what they can do to address the environmental challenges facing our world. In Rotary, the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) has provided a platform for environmentally-minded Rotary and Rotaract members to come together to seek solutions that have a sustainable impact. For Earth Day, 22…

Members of Activate Victoria, which uses a club model that attracts members through community service projects. By Amanda Wendt, past governor of District 9800 During my year as district governor, we wanted to charter a club that would be different and offer a pathway for new Rotarians to pursue their passion for community service and…

Rotaractors enjoy last year’s Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference in Seoul, Korea. By Divagaran S/O Kalaivanan, Rotaract Club of Raffles City, Singapore, and chair of the Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference As a dedicated Rotaractor deeply invested in fostering positive change within our communities, the upcoming Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference (APRRC) 1-4 June is…

Rotarians have partnered with a solar energy company to provide solar generators that power critical medical equipment at front-line hospitals in Ukraine. Photo by Olena Vynohradova By Heidi Rickels, past president of the Rotary E-club of WASH As a Rotarian and development professional, I’ve witnessed many remarkable stories of resilience and compassion. One that deeply…

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