Keep members engaged through virtual meeting platforms.
By George Robertson-Burnett, Zone 34 Rotary Coordinator and past governor of Rotary District 6890
These are certainly interesting times we live in. None of us could have foreseen these extraordinary circumstances brought on by the pandemic of COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus. Rotary clubs everywhere are wrestling with the question, How do we maintain membership engagement during the pandemic?
Well, this is Rotary and I am sure that these challenges will bring out our considerable strengths – ingenuity, decisiveness, flexibility, and integrity.
Here in Zone 34 (Georgia, Florida, USA and Caribbean), our Rotary Coordinator team has put together a guide to assist clubs in their efforts to maintain membership engagement during these difficult times. The suggestions are not exhaustive, and many clubs will surely come up with new ideas as their ingenuity and adaptability finds new and innovative ways to maintain our fellowship. But we wanted to offer this guide to all clubs as they explore online meetings and other adaptive solutions.
One of our Rotary e-clubs, the Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, is generously offering to set up online meetings for clubs in our zone at no charge. We suggest you check with e-clubs in your area for help and advice on structuring online meetings.
Download our Coronavirus Response Guide. You can also e-mail me for further ideas.
Share your ideas in the comments section below.