By Jaee Bhilare
I am a student at Amity University in Mumbai, India. I have routinely been taking the bus from Pune to Mumbai for the past two years. But a few weeks ago, I had the most unexpected journey.
My bus broke down and I was dropped off at a food court near Khalapur Toll. I saw this private bus parked opposite us. I didn’t know what to expect, but decided there would be no harm in asking for help. So I approached a group of ladies and asked if they had an extra seat on their bus.
From the very first, they were extremely compassionate. Shivani Bansal consulted with all of her friends, and within a few minutes, they had agreed to give me a seat, drop me off, and began helping me with my bag.
Once aboard, I realized that it was a private charter by the Rotary Club of Deonar. They were returning from a picnic fellowship at Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra. I talked with several individuals of different ages and experiences, and met Tanisi Jaydeep, a daughter of one of the Rotary members, who is studying the same subject as I am.
Although I didn’t know any of them, I instantly felt safe and comfortable. They were fun and kind and the entire bus had this family vibe. I feel women have a sixth sense and they know when something isn’t right. I never felt that throughout the journey.
I have never been a part of Rotaract and this was my first interaction with Rotary members. But it is honestly something I will never forget.
I hope I can pass forward the help I received.
Editor’s note: This story was shared by Vivek Khandelwal, public image chair for the Rotary Club of Deonar, Maharashtra, India. Khandelwal has been sharing this story in their community to promote Rotary’s public image and highlight how Rotary members are People of Action. Do you have a story of how your club is creating a welcoming club environment? We’d love to hear it. Share it with us here