By Marcos Farto, president of the Rotary Club of Marília Coroados, Brazil
As a member of Rotary for 11 years, I’ve seen how members put Service Above Self. Never has this been more evident than during the COVID-19 pandemic, when we all became aware of how vulnerable life can be and how much we depend on each other.
Many have stepped forward. And out of that need to help, a beautiful story of collaboration and partnership emerged.
In 2021, our then club president established a partnership with the Lions Club of Nova Geração. In August, we packed approximately 100 meals to help three charities that no longer had food in their pantries and were depending exclusively on donations. APAE (an association for people with disabilities) in Marília, a city in the state of São Paulo, offered us their kitchen. It was wonderful to see everyone united, focused, and committed to preparing meals.
In February 2022, the Rotary Club of Marília-Pioneiro joined us on our next service project. In Marília, a public school was dedicated but it had no trees. Hundreds of children attended, but not a single tree had been planted. After consulting with the school principal and the environment secretariat, we obtained and planted 400 tree seedlings.
These efforts demonstrated something very important: regardless of the organization you belong to, being surrounded by good people with a shared purpose is very motivating. We — the members of Rotary and Lions clubs — worked together to address hunger and help the environment. We share common goals, so through our partnership, we can leave the world a better place and set a good example for others.
We are people of action — that is our mission.
Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, and Optimist are hosting a joint service week, 11-17 September. Clubs are encouraged to work together on a meaningful service project that will have a positive, long-term impact on their community. Learn more and visit the event page
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