By Md. Saddam Hossain Roni, past president, Rotaract Club of Dhaka Orchid, Bangladesh and a Rotaract adviser
Driven by the desire to make a positive impact, the Rotaract Club of Dhaka Orchid collaborated with the Society for Humanity and Development Over the World (SHADOW) to hold a charity concert: Empathy 2023. As chairman of the event, I was thrilled that it brought together music enthusiasts while spreading a message of humanity, enhancing Rotaract’s image.
With less than 2,000 members of Rotaract in Rotary District 3281, many in our communities are unaware of the good Rotaract does. It was time for us to let them know about Rotaract and Rotary International. Empathy 2023 took place on 2 June in the prestigious International Convention City Bashundhara in Dhaka City. We brought together the country’s top nine bands, including Artcell, Warfaze, Shironamhin, Ashes, Odd Signature, Karnival, Sonarbangla Circus, Blue Touch, and Golpo band. It created a buzz that resonated throughout the youth of Bangladesh.
We are determined to reignite hope across the world through our continued efforts and the support of our community.
The response was overwhelming, with more than 12,000 enthusiastic young adults coming together to support a noble cause. It was heartening to witness the unity and energy that radiated throughout the event. The rapid surge in attendance posed some challenges in crowd management and security, but we exceeded our expectations even if we fell a little short of our fundraising goals.
One of our primary objectives was to raise awareness and brand recognition for our club, for Rotaract, and for Rotary. In this we triumphed. Major news channels provided extensive coverage, and as a result, nearly every music lover in Bangladesh now knows the name of our club.
We have set the stage for an even bigger and more impactful event next year. Our sights are set on organizing a massive event in a stadium. Empathy 2023 is the beginning of a movement. As part of that journey, we will be distributing winter clothes in areas of North Bengal to bring warmth to those in need. Looking ahead to Empathy 2024, we are determined to reignite hope across the world through our continued efforts and the support of our community.
Together, we will continue to spread the message of humanity while strengthening Rotaract in Bangladesh, leaving an indelible mark on our community. In so doing, we will Create Hope in the World.
Learn more about Rotary International President R. Gordon R. McInally’s three presidential initiatives that Create Hope in the World.