Rotary staff write thank you notes during the 2017 Thank-A-Thon.
By Eric Schmelling, chief philanthropy officer, The Rotary Foundation
As Rotary staff members, we can never take enough time in our daily responsibilities to fully express our gratitude to you, our generous donors, who make the work of The Rotary Foundation possible.
We understand the multitude of demands on your time and resources. Our donors’ commitment and willingness to join Rotary in making the world a better place is truly appreciated.
For these reasons, we have been setting aside a special day, for the past several years, to send personal thanks to as many of you as possible. Today, staff from a variety of areas are taking the time to hand-write hundreds of thank-you notes as a token of our appreciation.
In my 20 plus year career with Rotary, I have been privileged to work with philanthropists from around the world who have displayed enormous commitment to Rotary’s ideals through a contribution to our Foundation. On behalf of all Rotary staff, today we salute your generosity by taking a few minutes to say thank you.