Rotaract members talk to students about thalassemia. By Ali Raza, president of the Rotaract Club of Bahauddin Zakariya University, Punjab, Pakistan We live in a society where people call themselves humans before they know the need of being human; where they wish for a long life before they wish for healthy life; and where they…

Jordan Koletic, left, and Robert Smayda Jr. at Rotary Day at the United Nations in 2014. By Kamlesh Chandan, Rotary Club of Lake Norman/Huntersville, North Carolina, USA In 2015, I was working at one of the largest Fortune 500 banks in the United States when I read an article on our internal website about a…

RI President Barry Rassin and Rotary directors with Rotaractors at the Rotaract Turns 50 Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. By Alexandria Ritchie, a member of the Rotaract Club of Virginia Commonwealth University and the Rotary Club of James River, Richmond, Virginia, USA Both Rotary and Rotaract have contributed so much to who I am…

Christian Miguel da Silva and other Youth Exchange students at a Rotary conference in Mexicali in 2004-05 Christian Miguel da Silva By Christian Miguel da Silva, alumnus of Interact and Rotaract clubs, Rotary Youth Exchange program, and the New Generations Service Exchange program. Watching the news today can create a lot of anxiety. Have you…

Gary Bennett By Gary Bennett, past president of the Rotary Club of Kelowna and current member of the Sunrise Rotary Club of Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada I read with great interest what President-elect Mark Daniel Maloney had to say about growing Rotary in the March issue of The Rotarian. He is spot on. Healthy membership…

Cassady Shaw, left, and Tamara Larson at the Nelson Mandela Exhibit in the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. By Tamara C Larson, Youth Services Chair for District 5370 (West and Northwest Canada)  For the past two years, I have had the privilege of being a chaperone and working with many young leaders as they attend…

Charlie Masilae Hunt, right, and Ben Matari, chief of the village in Vanuatu where Hunt served as a Peace Corps Volunteer. By Charlie Masilae Hunt, Rotary Club of Denver LoDo, Denver, Colorado Imagine increasing your club membership by 50 percent in just one month. That is what my club did this past January. As a…

Rotary Regional Grants Officer Steven Sundstrom (right) with Dr. Koki Inai of the Rotary Club of Hiroshima South. By Steven Sundstrom, RI regional grants officer As a regional grants officer for Rotary, I spend most of my work time at Rotary headquarters in Evanston, Illinois, USA, working with members around the world, including in Japan.…

By John Hewko, Rotary International General Secretary The desire to give back, become involved in your community, create connections, and use one’s skills to benefit others is a cornerstone of civil society. But how can young people find these opportunities while facing the challenges of a widening skills gap, lost personal connections through digital isolation,…

Participants take part in a mapping exercise to understand how the eight Pillars of Positive Peace are interconnected during a workshop in Mexico in 2017. By Summer Lewis, Rotary-IEP Partnership Coordinator When you think about peace, do you think about how peace is lived and practiced? Are you seeing images of violence and thinking peace…